iOS 14 & SKAdNetwork Kochava Wed, 30 Aug 2023 20:29:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iOS 14 & SKAdNetwork 32 32 The Differences Between SKAN Versions 2-5 Wed, 30 Aug 2023 20:26:03 +0000 The post The Differences Between SKAN Versions 2-5 appeared first on Kochava.


Learn about the SKAdNetwork versions and their features

SKAdNetwork (SKAN) has been around for a minute. In fact, it was first released by Apple back in 2018. Since then, four versions have been created with the most recent, v5.0, announced at WWDC 2023. 

While five long years have elapsed since the first release, SKAN is still finding its stride with iOS marketers and hasn’t gotten the traction it might have initially anticipated. Will we see more adoption after the release of 5.0? Let’s take a look into what SKAN 5.0 will look like and how it stacks up against previous versions.

What to expect with SKAN version 5.0

Up until now, SKAN support has been limited to acquisition attribution only, but with version 5.0, there will be added support for re-engagement attribution. While Apple’s mention of this release was subtle, the new feature will potentially increase adoption rates. The inner workings of SKAN for re-engagement have yet to be revealed, but the ability to attribute ad taps that prompt existing users to return to the app is undoubtedly a welcomed addition. However, it’s important to acknowledge that re-engagement targeting on iOS already poses challenges due to the limited availability of IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) since it’s availability became subject to user opt-in at the app level via the AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework in April 2021.

It remains to be seen how fast the industry can finish adopting all of the SKAN 4 updates introduced at WWDC 2022 and then take the step up to be on v5 to gain the benefits of re-engagement attribution. 

Get more information on the SKAN releases from Apple’s release notes.

Feature details by SKAN versions

Each SKAN version builds upon the previous release, but some releases have made a bigger impact than others. Version 3 introduced support for influencer reporting and delivering copies of postback to advertisers (previously only the ad network received the postback, which then had to be shared/forwarded to an advertiser and their measurement partner) making this one of the most adopted versions. However, SKAN v.4 was a big jump from the previous versions, introducing so much change that it upended some learnings, practices, and optimization modeling that had finally gained a foothold for effective use with v2-3. 

Apple introduced 2 more conversion postbacks (for a total of 3), along with three fixed conversion windows spanning day 0 to day 35 with fixed time ranges that could be prematurely ended with a new feature called lock window. New types of conversion values were introduced, along with a more complex approach to privacy thresholds which deploy multi-tiered crowd anonymity…say that three times fast. To top it all off, a new parameter was created to replace the 2-digit campaign ID.

Let’s take a look at the lock window functionality. All the time-based cohort modeling that was innovated to help marketers with early predictions on performance based on more stable conversion windows in v2-3 is negated. As such, some partners recommend advertisers don’t enable the lock window because of the disruption it could cause. Separately, the 2 additional conversion postbacks are appreciated, but they arrive so late that many ad network partners have advised they won’t be factoring them into their campaign optimization modeling for the foreseeable future.

In July of this year, Apple introduced SKAN 4.0 but then quickly rolled back to v3.0 ten days later due to a significant bug between SKAN and the AdService API. After a few days, Apple claimed the bug was fixed and SKAN 4.0 was once again available. Due to the bug with v4.0 and the major changes arriving on the scene with SKAN 4, adoption has been understandably slow. Partners need more time to see how the version adapts to their strategy before implementing it at any scale. The chart shows each release and the changes that were introduced with each version.

SKAN versions chart

Which SKAN version is best?

The answer is: it depends on the ad networks you’re running with. Ask your trusted SKAN ad network partners what version of SKAN they’re ready for and sign ad signatures with AND best positioned to optimize using the postbacks from SKAN they receive. They’re also likely to have recommendations for the optimal SKAN configurations to select within your mobile measurement partner (MMP) dashboard (e.g. how long to set your measurement window for SKAN v2-3, and whether to enable lock window on SKAN v4, etc.). It’s important to remember that your SKAN configuration and chosen conversion value model is one size fits all, meaning you can’t customize it per ad network. As such, if recommendations from your ad network partners are in conflict, you may want to follow those of the partner you’re driving the most spend and success with. 

Last, but not least, you can update your app as the advertiser to be v4 ready ahead of your partners. Your SKAN settings with your MMP will be backwards compatible. Once your ad network partners begin signing ads with v4, you’ll be ready to roll.

Pros of implementing SKAN

While SKAN is certainly complex, below are just some of the pros of using SKAN across all versions. 

  1. Enhanced privacy – SKAN prioritizes user privacy by limiting the amount of personal information shared with advertisers and their partners. This protects user data and ensures compliance with privacy regulations.
  2. Attribution insights – SKAN provides a solution for advertisers who have limited access to user-level data, such as the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) on iOS devices. It allows them to maintain some method for measuring the effectiveness of their ad campaigns without relying on user-level data.
  3. Fraud prevention – SKAN employs measures to prevent ad fraud by providing limited and aggregated data. This reduces the risk of fraudulent attribution and increases the accuracy of campaign performance measurement.
  4. Compliance with Apple: Complying with Apple’s privacy guidelines and using SKAN is crucial for app marketers to maintain a positive relationship with the platform. SKAN ensures adherence to Apple’s privacy policies, reducing the risk of App Store rejections and other consequences that may arise from attempting to bypass SKAN.

Getting started with SKAN

Even though each SKAN release has included more features than the last, the confusion and frustration  around how it works have been major reasons why some advertisers have struggled to embrace it. With more education around the topic and as the push for user privacy mounts, SKAN will become more widespread. In the meantime, determine which SKAN version your preferred media partners are using as there’s a wide variation in version adoption across the partners that have invested in supporting SKAN for their ad inventory. 

If you’re new to SKAN or need to brush up on it, gain an in-depth dive into what SKAN is and how it works with  The Ultimate Marketer’s Guide to SKAN for free. You can also read all about Kochava support for SKAN 4.0 here, and check out Kochava SKAN solutions.

The post The Differences Between SKAN Versions 2-5 appeared first on Kochava.

SKAdNetwork 4.0 Prep Checklist for Marketers Tue, 04 Apr 2023 16:49:03 +0000 The post SKAdNetwork 4.0 Prep Checklist for Marketers appeared first on Kochava.


Updating your SDK, new conversion model configurations, reporting changes, and more

The heart of Store Kit Ad Network (SKAdNetwork 4.0 also sometimes called SKAN 4.0), has begun to beat as we’ve started to see the first postbacks arrive. For the countless marketers that look to Kochava as their mobile measurement partner (MMP), we have compiled this helpful checklist to guide you on the next steps you need to take for any of your iOS apps where you want to measure campaigns over the 4th generation of the SKAdNetwork.

Quick recap of SKAdNetwork v3.0 vs v4.0 changes

Before we dive into the checklist, let’s take a moment to review what’s changed between v3 and v4 of SKAdNetwork. The summary table below captures a high-level overview of the differences.

For a more in-depth breakdown, please read our prior posts Apple Releases SKAdNetwork 4.0 with iOS 16.1, Breaking Down Crowd Anonymity on SKAdNetwork, and/or watch our SKAdNetwork Webinar on demand.

Now, let’s dig into the checklist. We will split this into two groups. The first will be those that leverage the Kochava software development kit (SDK) to act as the mechanism that signals SKAdNetwork on their app’s behalf. This is the most turnkey approach and lets Kochava handle all of the heavy lifting on behalf of the marketer and developer. The second group will be for those that use our server-to-server (S2S) integration option, which means the app developer will need to self-integrate with SKAdNetwork APIs and own the in-app logic for conversion values and lock windows.

SKAdNetwork 4.0 – Checklist for clients using the Kochava SDK

Congratulations! You’ve chosen the path of least resistance. Our iOS SDK gives you out-of-the-box support for SKAdNetwork 4.0 and access to our simple and intuitive conversion model functionality to align SKAdNetwork reporting with your key performance indicators.

STEP 1: Update your iOS SDK

Kochava iOS SDK v7 is available now and has built-in support for SKAdNetwork 4.0. Be sure to communicate and coordinate with your app developers to review the iOS SDK documentation and schedule integration updates for your iOS apps based on when you want to start leveraging SKAdNetwork 4.0 functionality.

Integration of this new SDK is a prerequisite to taking advantage of SKAdNetwork 4.0’s new features and configurations in your Kochava account dashboard. It’s important to note that the new SDK is fully backward compatible with prior versions of SKAdNetwork; as such, early integration will not impact existing SKAdNetwork functionality.


Are you currently measuring post-install events? 
If the answer is no, take this moment to implement one or more post-install events (e.g., registration, purchase, trial, level complete, etc.) for measurement with Kochava. In order to fully leverage the benefits of SKAdNetwork conversion value models with Kochava, you will need to have post-install events to hydrate user engagement into those models. 

Contact your Client Success Manager or email for guidance on the ideal events to implement.

STEP 1-B: Set Kochava to receive the advertiser copy of SKAdNetwork postbacks
*Please note that this step is optional, but it is recommended.

Starting with iOS 15, Apple added support for sending copies of winning SKAdNetwork postbacks to an endpoint of the advertiser’s choosing. This is in addition to the postbacks sent to ad networks. You can set an endpoint provided by Kochava to receive copies of the winning SKAdNetwork postbacks on your behalf. While the postback copies do not replace the forwarded postbacks that Kochava receives from ad networks with enriched campaign metadata, they do serve a purpose for additional validation. Additionally, Kochava can forward that postback to a designated endpoint.

If you have not already designated Kochava as your endpoint for this purpose, it is best to follow the instructions outlined in this support document and request this update with your app developers at the same time they’re updating the SDK integration. 

STEP 2: Review Kochava’s SKAdNetwork v4.0 configuration options to begin planning your strategy

Whether this is your first time using SKAdNetwork or you’ve used it before, there are enough new developments and capabilities with v4.0 that you’ll want to review Kochava’s support approach so you can decide how best to configure your conversion models, coarse-grained values, and lock window functionality.

Kochava offers four distinct conversion value models that help you align SKAdNetwork reporting data with the key performance indicators that make the most sense for your business. The four models are:

Highest Value Event
This model lets you view performance based on the highest-value event completed by the user, where you get to dictate a hierarchy of any in-app events you’re measuring with your app.

This model lets you view performance based on how much revenue users generate, where you get to set custom or equal revenue buckets tied to any revenue-generating events you’re measuring with your app.

User Journey
This model lets you view performance based on groupings of events completed by users, regardless of order, where you get to designate the events in each group.

This model lets you view performance based on the number of times users complete a specific event, where you get to select the event of choice.

Within each model, you will have varying options related to coarse value mappings and optional  lock window functionality. 

Let’s take a look at these options under the Revenue model as an example.

Here, you can see how a marketer can configure the various revenue range buckets. Within the first conversion window, if crowd anonymity is HIGH, the marketer would receive the fine conversion value (0-63) in the postback and know exactly which revenue bucket a cohort of users fell into. 

However, what if HIGH crowd anonymity wasn’t achieved and/or the postback was for conversion windows 2 or 3, where fine conversion values are unavailable? That’s where the coarse conversion values come into the equation. 

revenue bucket screen

In the case of the Revenue model, marketers will be able to dictate which revenue buckets equate to LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH coarse conversion values. So, in this example, if the marketer saw LOW, they would know the users had installed and may have spent between $0-$5. Whereas, if they saw MEDIUM, they would know the users generated between $5-$25 in revenue. The insight isn’t as specific, but it’s still directional.

low, medium, and high revenue bucket example
IMPORTANT | Automatic Fine-To-Coarse Mapping:

For clients already leveraging the Engagement, Highest Value Event, and/or Revenue SKAdNetwork conversion models, Kochava pre-populated “suggested” fine-to-coarse value mapping. As you log in and access the updated SKAdNetwork Configuration dashboard, you will find those suggested mappings in place, but will have the option to override them as needed. Clients leveraging the User Journey or Custom model will need to manually configure these mappings. 

It’s important to note that the new SKAdNetwork 4.0 specific settings will ONLY apply when all of the conditions for a SKAdNetwork 4.0 postback have been met. These conditions include: 

  • The ad network generates an ad signature for version 4.
  • For ads that appear in an app, the app is built with iOS 16.1 SDK or later. For web ads, the ad appears in Safari 16.1 or later.
  • The advertised app is App Store-signed and is running on a device with iOS 16.1 or later.

Last but not least, marketers can decide whether they wish to use the lock window feature at all. If they choose to use it, they can decide whether it will be triggered by a specific bucket or by reaching the maximum conversion value (e.g., 63).

event looking bucket option example

If the marketer selected Bucket 7, for instance, it means that the lock window function would be triggered once a user generated revenue between $50-$100. For a deeper understanding of the lock window feature, please read this prior post

While we focused on the Revenue model as an example, the coarse conversion value mapping and lock window functionality will manifest in a similar capacity across all other models. Please see our updated support documentation for configuring your SKAdNetwork integration within the Kochava dashboard.

STEP 3: Understand SKAdNetwork 4.0 reporting changes

SKAdNetwork v4.0 features net new data fields for:

  • source-identifier
  • coarse-conversion-value
  • postback-sequence-index
Campaign ID

Apple is deprecating campaign_id in SKAdNetwork 4.0. This field will be maintained in reporting for backward compatibility with prior iterations of SKAdNetwork. 

The last 2-digits of source identifier will not be parsed into the campaign_id reporting field. While this was the recommended mapping from Apple, our communications with ad networks suggests not all partners will follow that schema and thus the last 2-digits of the source identifier will not universally equate to campaign_id.

When running SKAdNetwork reports in the future, you can add these new fields within the Additional Columns and/or Groupings options within reporting, and also use them as reporting filters.

Please note that if you have existing scheduled reports that you set up within the dashboard or via our reporting API, you will need to update or replace those scheduled reporting jobs to incorporate these new data fields. 

In addition to the Reports interface, please take note of these expected updates in the other platform dashboards.

Within Query, these new data fields will also be made available in the SKAdNetwork tables within Kochava Query. If you leverage Kochava Query, be sure to update your scripts to accommodate these new data points.

SKAdNetwork Insights Analytics
Within Analytics, the SKAdNetwork Insights view will be updated to include a new filtering option by source identifier. 

Kochava Cost SKAdNetwork Explorer
Within the SKAdNetwork Explorer view of Kochava Cost, additional parameters will be forthcoming as integrated cost partners adopt SKAdNetwork 4.0 and update their cost APIs to include new data fields.

STEP 4: Talk with your iOS media partners

Kochava is in communication with all members of our SKAdNetwork Certified Partners Program, ensuring they understand the integration updates they need to make to be SKAdNetwork 4.0-ready. 

We recommend you communicate with your top media partners on iOS to understand their timeline for rolling out SKAdNetwork 4.0 support in order to inform your iOS spending plans heading into Q2 and beyond. 

STEP 5: Request an expert SKAdNetwork consultation
from Kochava Foundry™

Deciding which SKAdNetwork conversion model to choose, how to configure all of the various settings, and how to optimize your iOS media mix can strike uncertainty into even the most experienced marketers. Our experts can help you better understand the intricacies of SKAdNetwork, navigate the optimal implementation, and guide you in maximizing your return on ad spend for SKAdNetwork-measured campaigns.

Kochava Foundry logo

The SKAdNetwork Consult includes:

iOS Attribution Distribution Report
Understand how your iOS apps currently attribute to media, how this attribution has changed over time, and how it compares to the industry as a whole.

SKAdNetwork Conversion Model Review
Ensure you’re leveraging SKAdNetwork conversion models to their greatest potential. Get recommendations on the optimal configuration to get valuable insights faster.

Advanced Preview of SKAdNetwork 4.0
Learn how to adapt to the most impactful changes coming with the next iteration of SKAdNetwork, including: coarse-grained values, lock windows, and multiple conversion support.

Source App ID Decomposition
Gain insight into where your SKAdNetwork ads are being displayed to identify source app and site overlap across networks. Explore options to mitigate high-percentage NULL conversion values across partners.

SKAdNetwork Readiness Check by Media Partner
How does your iOS media mix rate for SKAdNetwork-readiness? Understand what version of SKAdNetwork partners are running, whether they model conversions, and how they approach deterministic and/or probabilistic matching.

If you’re interested in ordering a SKAdNetwork Consultation, connect with our experts by emailing

SKAdNetwork 4.0 – Checklist for clients using Kochava S2S Integration

Okay, you’ve chosen the more challenging path. While using our iOS SDK gives you out-of-the-box support for SKAdNetwork v4.0, using S2S integration means that you will need to create and manage all logic for SKAdNetwork conversion value mappings, coarse value mappings, and lock window functionality.

STEP 1: Integrate directly with Apple’s SKAdNetwork APIs

You will need to follow Apple’s developer documentation, “Configuring an advertised App to participate in ad campaigns.” This will include configuring your app to call Apple’s SKAdNetwork APIs for install notification and conversion value updates. 

STEP 2: Input your conversion value mappings within the Kochava dashboard

Even though you’re not using the Kochava SDK to signal SKAdNetwork, Kochava can still receive postbacks from your ad network partners and provide SKAdNetwork reporting. 

In order for the reporting to align with your custom logic for fine and coarse conversion values, you must enter your conversion value schema into the Kochava dashboard. This will include providing a definition for each fine conversion value at use (0-63), along with dictating its coarse mapping (LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH). You will need to ensure that if your developers change app logic for SKAdNetwork in the future, you return to make any required updates in this Conversion Value Mapping dashboard.

conversion value mapping dashboard example

Please refer to STEPS 3, 4, and 5 in the SDK checklist section. These steps are also applicable for customers leveraging S2S integration.

We’re here to help

SKAdNetwork 4.0 has changed substantially from 3.0, so you may feel like you’re starting all over again from ground zero. Our team is here to help. Please contact your Client Success Manager or email for questions.  

If you’re not currently a Kochava customer, but want to jumpstart your iOS marketing efforts over SKAdNetwork, please contact us

Our full production support release for SKAdNetwork v4.0 features in our dashboard is coming in April. Be the first to know and stay up-to-date with the latest news by subscribing to our newsletter.

The post SKAdNetwork 4.0 Prep Checklist for Marketers appeared first on Kochava.

Breaking Down Crowd Anonymity on SKAdNetwork Thu, 05 Jan 2023 16:46:48 +0000 The post Breaking Down Crowd Anonymity on SKAdNetwork appeared first on Kochava.


Apple’s way of ensuring users DON’T stand out from the crowd

In October, SKAdNetwork v4.0 was released alongside iOS 16.1. This new version expands the amount of information marketers may glean through attribution while maintaining Apple’s privacy-protecting policies. While Apple has not released the specifics of its privacy threshold counts and may never do so, the current release of v4.0 provides marketers and advertisers with a bit more information with which to adjust their marketing plans.

Now, let’s get into the meat and potatoes. 

What is crowd anonymity?

Apple previously defined “crowd anonymity” levels based on attribution volume in June: low, medium, and high. However, following its release, Apple built on the Tiers 1-3 concept, as seen below, introducing the concept of Tier 0 for a total of 4 tiers.

crowd anonymity dot diagram

Crowd anonymity is too low in Tier 0, resulting in massive data redaction or no postbacks at all. Essentially, the larger the crowd, the more anonymous each individual member becomes. As crowd anonymity increases with each tier, more granular data becomes available within the conversion postbacks Apple sends to ad networks and advertisers. The most granular data is only available at the highest crowd anonymity tier to ensure that SKAdNetwork remains truly anonymous – preventing any data points from being tied back to an individual user or device. 

*Note that Apple still does not precisely provide the thresholds for each tier, only that with more attributed volume, each tier is reached, and more data is shared.

How Apple categorizes app downloads within tiers

Apple provided insight into the categorization of app downloads within tiers. The placement is determined in accordance with 3 main factors as described below.

1 2 3
The crowd size associated with the app or domain displaying the ad The advertised app The hierarchical source identifier the ad network provides

The crowd anonymity tier reached has bearing on the following conversion postback elements: 

  • Whether the postback gets sent 
  • What conversion value (if any) gets included: fine-grained, coarse-grained, or none
  • How many digits of the source identifier are disclosed: all digits, 3 digits, or only last 2 digits
  • Whether the source app ID is included 

Hierarchical conversion values

Inherently linked to crowd anonymity are the two sets of hierarchical conversion values Apple will be incorporating in SKAdNetwork v4.0: coarse-grained and fine-grained. 

Coarse-grained: This value can be set to one of three possible values and is included in postbacks when the crowd anonymity tier restricts the fine-grained conversion value. When the attribution volume is too low to share the conversion value, the coarse value will be included in its place, and at the lowest tier – even the coarse value is excluded. Note that the coarse value and conversion value are mutually exclusive; the coarse value cannot be used in tandem with the conversion value in the conversion model.

Fine-grained: This value is used for reporting post-install engagement from the advertised app. The coarse-grained value passes the current SKAdNetwork conversion value, which can be any value between 0-63. It’s only available in the first conversion window range at higher crowd anonymity tiers. 

The following pivot table showcases how crowd anonymity impacts the conversion value available across the three different conversion windows (0-2 days, 3-7 days, and 8-35 days).

crowd anonymity conversion value table

Note that at the lowest tier, absolutely no conversion value (fine or coarse) is available. Additionally, the fine-grained value is only available in the conversion postback for the 0-2 day callback window.

Campaign identifier field –> source identifier

SKAdNetwork 4.0 replaces the 2-digit campaign identifier field from the ad impression with a new 4-digit ‘source identifier’ field. This field should be considered a ‘conversion value’ equivalent to the ad impression. Certain digits become available as higher tiers of crowd anonymity are reached. Similar to conversion values, these four digits could be used to represent different data. However, since Apple obscures certain digits based on the level of crowd anonymity, each digit should represent something meaningful and discernible independently. Apple used the following model as an example: 

  • Digit #4 = Ad placement bucket
  • Digit #3 = Date bucket
  • Digit #1,2 = Campaign ID

The diagrams below showcase how the crowd anonymity tier impacts the source identifier and source app ID across all three conversion window ranges.

crowd anonymity source identifier table
crowd anonymity source app ID table

Note that for source app ID this value is ONLY available in the first postback when the crowd anonymity is at Tier 3.

Less is definitely not more with SKAN v4

The gist of crowd anonymity is that advertisers are able to receive data at a level that corresponds with the number of installs their campaigns generate while still affording privacy to consumers. As campaigns meet higher privacy thresholds, more attribution insights will become available. For this reason, advertisers won’t want to spread their spend thin on iOS, but rather will want to spend adequately with each partner across each campaign to reach data significance in order to unlock meaningful and actionable insights for optimizations. 

SKAdNetwork had only one universal privacy threshold prior to v4.0 – a one-size-fits-all approach. This new multi-tiered methodology, combined with the addition of coarse- and fine-grained conversion values over three conversion postback windows (as opposed to the current 1), should genuinely improve performance insights for marketers to make decisions on.

We’re here to help

For more information on SKAdNetwork 4.0, check out our blogs on Apple Releases SKAdNetwork 4.0 with iOS 16.1, SKAdNetwork 4.0 FAQ, and WWDC’22.

The digital advertising space is constantly changing. Stay up-to-date with all the latest in adtech by subscribing to our newsletter. For more information, visit our website or reach us at

The post Breaking Down Crowd Anonymity on SKAdNetwork appeared first on Kochava.

Analyzing Your SKAdNetwork Data in Kochava Tue, 10 May 2022 23:04:17 +0000 The post Analyzing Your SKAdNetwork Data in Kochava appeared first on Kochava.


A guide to maximizing insights on your iOS acquisition efforts

Apple’s SKAdNetwork isn’t new, but plenty of mystery still surrounds it. With an entirely different data model than traditional mobile measurement partner (MMP) attribution, analyzing performance carries distinct nuances. In this post, we will unpack what you need to know to effectively access and analyze your iOS performance through the SKAdNetwork lens. 

In this post:

  • Getting SKAdNetwork Data Flowing to Kochava
  • Running Campaigns with SKAdNetwork Certified Media Partners
  • NEW SKAdNetwork Insights Overview
  • SKAdNetwork Explorer within Kochava Cost
  • SKAdNetwork Data in Reports & Query
  • Key Considerations when Assessing Performance

Getting SKAdNetwork Data Flowing to Kochava

Before you have SKAdNetwork data to analyze in Kochava, you must first complete SKAdNetwork integration. If you’ve already done this, skip to the next section. If not, read on. 

Setting up SKAdNetwork support with Kochava involves the following steps: 

  1. Work with your app developer to integrate the latest Kochava iOS software development kit (SDK) and follow the steps in the “Support SKAdNetwork” section of this support doc to ensure the KochavaAdNetwork SDK module is configured during implementation. This module is required to use SKAdNetwork.
    • IMPORTANT: You must choose one partner to signal SKAdNetwork for your app. Using more than one partner will result in data discrepancies and campaign optimization issues.
  2. Once SDK implementation is complete, you will need to configure your SKAdNetwork integration in the dashboard. Follow the steps outlined here to do so. This phase will involve the following:
    • Choosing Your SKAdNetwork Conversion Value Model
      • With Kochava, available conversion value models include Revenue, Highest Value Event, Engagement, and User Journey. For additional guidance on choosing your model, download our dedicated guide and/or contact your Client Success Manager.
    • Choosing Your Conversion Value Model Configuration
      • This involves choosing which in-app events and/or revenue ranges to incorporate into your chosen conversion value model paradigm.
    • Choosing Your Measurement Window
      • This is the length of time after the install that you want to allow repeated conversion value updates to be reported to SKAdNetwork. Kochava offers the most flexible measurement window range, which can be set anywhere between Day of Install out to Day of Install + 7 Days.

Throughout this phase, the decisions you make will impact your ability to effectively analyze SKAdNetwork performance and efficiently optimize campaigns with your media partners. Keep in mind that you’re not stuck with the first conversion value model, event configuration, or measurement window you choose. Across time, you can and should test different configurations with your measurement partner. Be sure to connect with your Client Success Manager or email to understand best practices and implications of changing your model or configuration. 

Our team has helped thousands of marketers work through SKAdNetwork configuration, so if you need help or guidance, we’re here for you.

Finding SKAdNetwork Certified Partners

Once SKAdNetwork configuration is complete for your app, you’re ready to launch campaigns that can be measured via SKAdNetwork. Keep in mind that not every media partner is SKAdNetwork-ready. To find media partners that can support your iOS acquisition campaigns over SKAdNetwork, visit our SKAdNetwork Certified Media Partners list here

Note that each media partner works with SKAdNetwork a bit differently, particularly in what campaign metadata they make available to MMPs to enable more granular performance analysis. Check with your media partner representative for details by partner. 

Need to measure cross-promo on SKAdNetwork?

If you want to measure cross-promotional campaigns between apps in your own portfolio on Apple’s SKAdNetwork, contact us to find out how our Publisher Tools can help. 

Now let’s review where and how you can analyze SKAdNetwork performance data.

New SKAdNetwork Insights Analytics

SKAdNetwork Insights is a new overview dashboard within the Kochava analytics suite that enables quick access to performance insights on your iOS acquisition efforts measured on SKAdNetwork. The analytics view offers a variety of key performance metrics against several different filters. 

Metrics & KPIs Filters
  • Impressions
    • % Matched to Impressions
    • Impression Influencers
  • Clicks
    • % Matched to Clicks
    • Click Influencers
  • Installs
  • Reinstalls
  • In-App Conversions (Count)
  • In-App Conversions (%)
  • Date Range
  • App(s)
  • Media Partner(s)
  • Partner Campaign Name(s)
SKAdNetwork Insights Graph

Use this view to understand the overall SKAdNetwork volume for all iOS apps in your account or narrow in on specific iOS apps and particular media partner networks and/or campaigns.

SKAdNetwork Explorer within Kochava Cost

If you utilize Kochava Cost, our new and redesigned cost aggregation solution, you can also explore SKAdNetwork spend and performance data within the SKAdNetwork Explorer view of the Cost module. Filter, split, and pivot data against a host of primary fields, including App, Network, Campaign, etc. 

SKAdNetwork Explorer

For in-depth documentation on utilizing the SKAdNetwork Explorer, visit our support documentation

If you’re not currently using Kochava Cost, contact your Client Success Manager to find out how you can activate the feature on your account.

SKAdNetwork Data in Reports & Query

The most granular reporting detail for your SKAdNetwork campaigns can be found in the Kochava reports dashboard, as well as Kochava Query, our built-in structured query language (SQL) prompt utility. 

SKAdNetwork Reports

Within the Reports dashboard, there are two different reports available in the “SKAdNetwork Reports” category. 


SKAdNetwork Install

  • This report provides an aggregated summary of user install and reinstall (redownload) data sourced from SKAdNetwork signals.
  • The report can be run at the app level and customized based on a variety of filters, including network, campaign, and other campaign metadata supported by your different media partners. 
  • To include influencer data in this report, add “influencers” within the TRAFFIC OPTIONS field under the “Traffic Includes” section when customizing a report.
Traffic Includes
  • See a complete list of reporting fields & parameters here.


SKAdNetwork Conversion Value

  • This report provides an aggregated summary of user conversion values sourced from SKAdNetwork signals. It also provides the human-readable meaning of conversion values based on the app’s conversion model settings. 
  • This report can be run at the app level and customized based on a variety of filters, including network, campaign, and other campaign metadata supported by your different media partners. 
  • See a complete list of reporting fields & parameters here.

Depending on the conversion value model you choose, your SKAdNetwork Conversion Value report will manifest differently. Helpful examples of conversion value reports by each model are available in our SKAdNetwork Conversion Model Guide

The below excerpt showcases what your conversion value reporting would look like if you chose the ‘Engagement’ model. In the Engagement model, advertisers can select their most important user engagement event. They can then view performance based on: cohorts of users, the count of times those users completed the engagement event, and the days since install it took those users to complete those event counts (up to the chosen measurement window).

As an example, let’s take a casual gaming app that selects their Level Up event and a measurement window of 3 days.

casual gaming event table

The highlighted row in the example report below, shows a cohort of 16 installs and 2 redownloads engaged with the app up to day 3 after install. The installs and redownloads completed the “Level Up” event nine (9) times prior to disengaging for at least 24 hours from any app activity triggering subsequent conversion value updates.

engagement table

Seeing blank conversion value entries in your reports?

Per Apple’s developer documentation, the conversion value only appears in a SKAdNetwork postback if the install app provides it, AND if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. As such, when you see blank entries in your conversion value report, it’s due to the corresponding postback having a ‘null’ value for the conversion-value parameter as a result of Apple’s privacy threshold. The specific details of this privacy threshold have not been provided by Apple to date.


Kochava Query

SKAdNetwork data is also available in Query to provide marketers with the most flexibility possible when analyzing SKAdNetwork performance. 

Custom Query

Kochava clients with access to Query can reference the data table entitled “skan_conversions”. Details on all parameter fields available in this report can be found in this support documentation

If you’re not familiar with SQL and would like assistance in building a custom query against your SKAdNetwork performance data, please contact your Client Success Manager or email

Key Considerations When Assessing SKAdNetwork Performance

As you look at and work with your SKAdNetwork data in Kochava, here are several key considerations: 

Be Patient

SKAdNetwork data is delayed and the longer your measurement window, the more time it takes for all possible conversion data on any particular campaign to make it to your media partners and Kochava. It’s important to understand the soonest and latest you may get the install-validation postback data. The grid below illustrates the relationship between your selected measurement window with Kochava and the time range you can expect the postback data for reporting. 

Kochava SKAdNetwork Measurement Window Options

Remember that even if you set a measurement window of day of install + 7 days, not all users will engage with the app and trigger conversion value updates that continually reset Timer 1. As such, expect a distribution of user buckets across the span of your measurement window. 

Bottom line, when you’re looking to understand the holistic performance of a campaign, make sure you allow the performance data to fully bake. 

Test & Learn

From interviews with numerous user acquisition managers, they’ve found it best to test and learn with each different media partner. Since each ad network partner approaches SKAdNetwork differently, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to optimizing your efforts. Start with smaller spend and scale as you see success, don’t just throw a bunch of ad dollars at a network and hope it will stick. 

For example, some media partners, including Facebook, only optimize on a “Day of Install” measurement window. If you initially chose a conversion measurement window beyond D1, you may want to think about re-configuring your model before you plan to spend big on SKAdNetwork campaigns with such partners. Conversely, if you start spending with another set of partners that support longer conversion measurement windows, testing to see if performance improves by expanding the window is worthwhile – just make sure to scale down or pause spend with other partners who may be negatively impacted by such a change. 

Communicate & Educate Your Managers

Your managers may not know about the intricacies of SKAdNetwork or be knowledgeable about the nuances of unique ad network & publisher integrations. However, you can be sure that confusion can ensue when their data models suddenly break, or they’re unable to get the same data segmentation and reporting as they may have been used to on other channels and platforms. 

Proactive communication and education with your superiors will go a long way in establishing expectations for how quickly SKAdNetwork can be optimized and the patience required to see if a strategy is truly working. All sides will benefit from an open dialogue. 

Remember the Bigger Picture

Remember that SKAdNetwork only covers app-to-app acquisition campaigns. Apple Search Ads, your owned media efforts for web-to-app, consented attribution on paid media efforts across app and web, and unattributed iOS installs will manifest in your MMP attribution reporting outside the confines of SKAdNetwork. Since SKAdNetwork offers no device or user-level identifiers to resolve against, it’s likely that certain users attributed via SKAdNetwork are also represented in one of these other attribution buckets. Analyzing your overall iOS performance with this context in mind is important. 

We’re Here to Help

When it comes to SKAdNetwork, there are no dumb questions. As an industry, we all continue to learn and adapt to it. Consider our team here at Kochava as a resource at your disposal to navigate these challenging times in mobile advertising. 

Whether you want help selecting the best conversion value model for your app, or you need a hand navigating through a sophisticated SKAdNetwork integration setup with Google or another self-attributing network, or you’re just having trouble deciphering a SKAdNetwork report, contact your Client Success Manager or email

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SKAdNetwork Support Across the Largest Media Partners Thu, 24 Feb 2022 19:54:43 +0000 The post SKAdNetwork Support Across the Largest Media Partners appeared first on Kochava.


With Great Privacy Comes Great Challenges: Build the Solution with Kochava and a SKAdNetwork Partner

In the years to come, iOS 14.5 and App Tracking Transparency (ATT) might be seen as the asteroid that hit the online ad marketing world. While it only affects ~20% of the worldwide smartphone market, it’s a change that could be the first of many to come as transparency and control have become driving factors in user privacy for the mobile market. Transparency in what information is being shared and control in that a user gets a choice to opt-in or opt-out.

Privacy concerns are only becoming more in focus with three states and the District of Columbia bringing lawsuits against Google. Karl A. Racine, the attorney general for the District of Columbia, was quoted saying, “Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access.” Governments, not only here in the US, are taking a closer look at what data gets shared, who shares it, and whether the consent of the user is present. No surprise that Google just announced this quarter moving their Privacy Sandbox into their Android marketplace. According to Digiday, Google will still support their Android AdID for at least two years but it would not shock anyone if we find Google eventually moving towards Apple’s direction in privacy after that.

With Apple holding back user information by default on their devices, and advertisers needing metrics to measure performance, in comes the middle-ground of the SKAdNetwork. SKAdNetwork was developed with iOS 11.3 as an ad network API designed to help advertisers measure their campaigns while maintaining user privacy. The ad networks are required to register with Apple and app developers must configure their apps to work with ad networks. Since the release of iOS 14.5, many improvements have been made to the SKAdNetwork (multiple postbacks, ad display) making it clear that Apple wanted this framework to be the future.

What are the challenges of the SKAdNetwork?

SKAdNetwork attribution options

While the SKAdNetwork is that middle ground, it doesn’t give the entire picture for attribution like it was in the pre-ATT enforcement days. Per the pivot table above, based on whether the user has selected opt-in or opt-out, it’s clear that most of the attributable data between apps will be from SKAdNetwork. So how does SKAdNetwork work and how is it different?

First off, SKAdNetwork install validation postbacks don’t happen immediately and could take up to a couple days at minimum to arrive. Second, the postbacks lack any device or user data. The delay combined with the lack of user data makes it impossible to identify a specific user or device, thus ensuring the end user’s privacy. This means measurement of a campaign on any iOS 14.5+ device must take a different path than any other. With these challenges it’s more important now than ever, to have not only an MMP but a full Marketing Suite of tools. To succeed with SKAdNetwork, it will require a full embrace of the technology behind it.

The Lesson: “Lean In”

With all of the challenges introduced with the SKAdNetwork, it’s clear the game plans of past measurement models will just not work with iOS devices going forward. While quite a bit of the information we had access to before (IDFA, etc.) is now being held back there are some innovative ways to still capture meaningful performance insights,  but it will take an MMP to help you realize the whole omni-channel picture. 

With an MMP, you will need to measure performance for your iOS acquisition campaigns in a more aggregate cohort manner. At Kochava, we have innovated different SKAdNetwork conversion value models that are able to deliver targeted insights aligned to the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most important for your apps. These models: Revenue, User Journey, Engagement and Highest Value Event – are the most advanced and configurable conversion models available giving you the greatest insights in the industry. Additionally, developers can work with our FoundryTM team of data analysts to identify the optimal conversion model for your app based on a data-driven analysis of your first-party app data.

Attribution conversion models

On the supply side, it is important to realize that the privacy stance Apple has taken is not going away at least for all iOS devices. All users on those devices will need to be measured differently than those on Android or earlier iOS versions. While it’s true if a user does opt-in on their device for ad targeting and advertising measurement, the percentage of users who do that will be far less than the opt-outs and any measurement of them specifically might not carry the necessary weight.

A good example of how to handle this is TikTok who embraced the challenges of SKAdNetwork and designed dedicated iOS 14+ campaigns in their business center. In the business center you can  separate the iOS 14+ users into their own segmentation and make it easy to set up and create campaigns based around them. 

As for Developers, it’s important to send all events including unattributed between all parties and also work with your MMP to make sure your SDK is up to date. You will also need to configure your key conversion events so that they fit within the specified conversion models you are looking to utilize. Ad networks are working hard to get their platforms aligned with the needs of SKAdNetwork. At Kochava we have created the SKAdNetwork Certified Partner Program to identify the networks ready to support the robust conversion models we have developed for advertisers while also delivering maximum granularity in campaign metadata.

What Kochava’s Partner Program Can Do

To be certified, a partner has made steps to ingest SKAdNetwork data and will also provide the postback to Kochava. Certification through the program indicates that a partner is taking the necessary steps to maximize advertiser success on the SKAdNetwork and provide the most granular level of performance insights feasible through the SKAdNetwork. All major super publishers are integrated with Kochava: Google, Facebook, Yahoo, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, and more.

With an ad network that is SKAdNetwork Certified by Kochava, you will get a seamless integration for your campaigns so you can get the right answers for your continued growth. Kochava has the best tools and the best models for dealing with this aggregation of customer data and gives you that flashlight in the dark. Our dedicated, hands-on client support model can help you get answers to questions you haven’t thought of yet. We are continuing to work with our models to reconstruct partial data, tailor measurement windows, and gain information for what you need to measure success.

While these Networks are SKAdNetwork ready it’s important to realize that, even among the big players, you can see some drastic differences. It’s clear that key players in the space have taken the challenges of the SKAdNetwork with no clear solution working the same for each. Here at Kochava, we are working hard with each of these partners to streamline the process for the marketer. 

It’s important now more than ever to have partners like Kochava that can work with these challenges and help you decide what’s best for your app as a whole. Our support services have crafted guides to help with campaign management for each of these individual networks (Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, and more) so you can make sure your campaigns are working right. 

What does the future hold for SKAdNetwork?

It’s not going to be surprising if we start to see something like Apple’s privacy rules appear on other device platforms albeit in their own way. In a more interconnected world, it is going to take more information from more sources to get a better understanding of the information we do have access to. Businesses that have experience and success in OTT advertising and measurement are best positioned to succeed as more platforms become more selective in their user identification and privacy frameworks.

For Apple’s SKAdNetwork, conversion value models will continue to evolve and require more and more non-specific user data to fill in the missing gaps and predict business outcomes. For the future, omni-channel will become more prevalent and to fully achieve attribution will require measurement beyond one device. It is increasingly important to find the right partners that can get that data, analyze it, and support the networks on a full next-gen marketing platform prepared for whatever the future holds.

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Getting the Most from SKAdNetwork as an Advertiser Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:54:22 +0000 The post Getting the Most from SKAdNetwork as an Advertiser appeared first on Kochava.


Marketing campaigns for mobile apps may now be tracked in a deterministic, aggregated manner thanks to Apple’s SKAdNetwork (StoreKit Ad Network). This enables advertisers to assess which advertising campaigns and marketing channels performed well while maintaining privacy: there is no device-level or user-level data collected.

SKAdNetwork conversion reporting through the Kochava dashboard

Allowing mobile app install attribution while protecting user privacy is possible with the SKAdNetwork API. In May 2018, several doubts concerning the future of SKAdNetwork attribution solutions on iOS were raised. However, because of a lack of resources and effort, SKAdNetwork had seen no widespread adoption. 

In the wake of Apple’s announcement of the AppTrackingTransparency framework and new privacy standards, all of that changed. Unsurprisingly, the industry had no choice but to embrace the campaign measurement alternatives. Thankfully, Apple gave its SKAdNetwork a makeover that introduced vital improvements to post-install quality insights.

What is the purpose of SKAdNetwork?

SKAdNetwork is a marketers operating system framework for attribution of mobile installs that protects user data and privacy. With this tool, app install campaigns can be monitored without jeopardizing user privacy. The App Store and Apple’s servers verify and certify the attribution. The result is then reported to the network, separated from user IDs, device IDs, and time stamps. When a user clicks on an ad and goes to the store, the publishing app and the network share some basic information to help personalize the experience and support attribution over SKAdNetwork.

How to get the most out of SKAdNetwork?

If you’re an advertiser, you’re probably wondering how to make the most of Apple’s new advertising measurement method. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need:

  • SKAdNetwork API integration is required by your media partners to support it.  A mobile measurement partner (MMP) can help you do this out-of-the-box with an iOS software development kit (SDK).
  • In order to detect any issues or misuse, you’ll also need to gather and validate the digitally signed install alerts from each media partner, either directly or via an MMP vendor.
  • Reporting is the next step in making sense of the data. The SKAdNetwork API has a restricted number of values and IDs, which presents difficulty, but one that is not insurmountable. There are several ways in which clever campaign ID encoding may help you get the most out of Apple’s API, and an MMP working with SKAdNetwork certified ad networks can help you achieve the reporting you’ll need to make informed decisions.
  • Optimization and post-install measurements can benefit from intelligent parameter selection. It isn’t easy to encode a lot of information within the 64 conversion values Apple offers with SKAdNetworks updateConversionValue method. However, if you know how to utilize them, you can. An MMP can help you make the most  of these values and link them back to your reports if you want to assign and change them automatically without requiring specialized engineering effort.


Even though SKAdNetwork’s existing capabilities may not meet the expectations of today’s marketers, you may still get the most of it if you follow the guidelines mentioned above and work with an MMP.

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How iOS 14 Impacted Mobile Advertising Fri, 08 Oct 2021 21:39:49 +0000 The post How iOS 14 Impacted Mobile Advertising appeared first on Kochava.


Apple Search Ads rises as overall iOS attributions fall

Quick Takeaways


As iOS 15 gains traction, we’re taking a look back at Apple’s rollout of iOS 14, particularly iOS 14.5, and how it impacted the mobile advertising landscape. 

iOS 14 was released on September 16, 2020, but without its most impactful component yet enforced—the AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework. It wasn’t until April 26th, 2021, when Apple dropped iOS 14.5, that they finally enforced the ATT framework. The industry was generally thankful for the delay, although it’s doubtful that delay proved productive for most marketers. The ATT framework required iOS apps to start prompting for user consent to app tracking if they wanted access to the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), plus the ability to perform certain advertising measurement and ad targeting. In the lead-up to its launch, advertisers were scrambling to anticipate the impact of large-scale IDFA opt-out and get geared up to support Apple’s SKAdNetwork. The SKAdNetwork provided a means of maintaining deterministic and yet anonymous attribution reporting for iOS acquisition efforts. While SKAdNetwork would help to fill some of the large holes left in the wake of widespread IDFA opt-out, the newness of its data model and the difficulty of adapting programmatic optimization algorithms to run on delayed, aggregated data from SKAdNetwork posed major challenges for ad networks looking to run on it. So let’s take a look at:

  • How Apple paced the rollout of iOS 14.5
  • The overall rates of prompting via the ATT framework 
  • Changes in iOS install attributions among Media Partners

Pacing the iOS 14.5 roll-out

From the OS adoption rate graph below, one can see that Apple took a measured approach in slow-rolling iOS 14.5’s release at first. It wasn’t until the early part of June that they began scaling the update to more devices such that by June 9th the rubicon was crossed and a majority of total devices measured daily were hosting iOS 14.5. By late July, over 80% of all iOS devices were running on iOS 14.5.


ATT Prompting Rates and Opt-in Percentages

When the ATT framework went into enforcement on April 26th of this year, apps were not required to prompt, but not doing so meant there was no access to the IDFA as well as restrictions on ad targeting and measurement. As such, it was somewhat of a surprise to see such a small minority of apps actually implementing ATT prompting. 

Looking from June 7th, 2021 into August, only 11% of all iOS app installs measured with Kochava had received the prompt. Most apps simply weren’t prompting or weren’t prompting prior to sending the install record to their mobile measurement partner (MMP).  

mobile apps not prompting for ATT

Further, actual opt-in rates from those users who were prompted, we’re hovering in the low 30% range. The chart below includes users prompted, as well as those who were opted into ATT by default because Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) was already enabled prior to iOS 14.

iOSATTopt inrate

ATT opt-in rates that only factor in those users who actually receive a prompt and make a choice often trend northward into the high 30% range or lower 40% range. 

Either way, it’s important to remember the impact that ATT opt-in, or lack thereof, has on attribution. To have a conversion attributed on the IDFA requires that a user has consented in both the source app where the ad is served, as well as the target app where the user converts. Kochava witnessed IDFA-based attributions drop by over 44%.

The chart below illustrates attribution options based on the combined ATT opt-in status of the user in the target app versus the ad source. 

Apple's ATT attribution methods

The great redistribution of attributed install volume

With all of the challenges marketers are facing on both the supply side and demand side, overall media spend is down on iOS to such an extent that over 90% of all iOS install attributions are unattributed as of late July 2021. That means 10% or less of iOS installs are being attributed to media. In January 2021, nearly 40% of iOS installs were being attributed. Marketers are less likely to spend where they cannot effectively measure the outcome of their ad dollars.


Among the dwindling percentage of app installs that are still being attributed, a great redistribution has taken place. Per the infographic below, Apple Search Ads (ASA) is taking a clear lead—jumping 75% between May and July this year and only continuing to climb. SKAdNetwork is picking up momentum with a 135% jump in volume (although it’s far off from overtaking Apple Search Ads’ position). In fact, of all iOS install attributions, SKAdNetwork and ASA combined now account for 40%. On the SKAdNetwork front, TikTok in particular accounts for the overwhelming majority of SKAdNetwork volume compared to other networks that support the framework. Most of the major super publishers are collectively down over 47%. 


Further, in the face of the ATT framework and SKAdNetwork, a larger chunk of owned media efforts are being measured probabilistically, since Apple’s user privacy and data use policy doesn’t prohibit the use of IP address and user agent for attribution when it’s for comparing a company’s own website or app data with its own data. 


Marketers are being challenged right now to adapt their iOS growth efforts to a new normal. iOS installs aren’t declining, just the ability to correlate ad spend to them via certain channels. Mobile marketers should be inclined to look to the larger world of marketing channels beyond mobile, many of which can be measured with the help of Kochava MediaLiftTM, which provides incremental lift measurement that’s not reliant on the row-level device or user data that became so customary with programmatic mobile marketing. Nothing is truly organic and here at Kochava, we believe in helping marketers attribute everything to truly understand cause and effect in their marketing. 

If you’re struggling in the face of Apple’s changes regarding iOS 14+, contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can help. 

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attributing iOS channels

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Apple Releases iOS 15 Mon, 20 Sep 2021 14:57:59 +0000 The post Apple Releases iOS 15 appeared first on Kochava.


Here’s what iOS 15’s arrival means for marketers

Apple’s latest major OS update, iOS 15, launched September 20, 2021. The runway leading up to this release hasn’t been nearly as intense as the lead up to iOS 14’s release last September, let alone the release of iOS 14.5 on April 26th, 2021 (a day after this writer’s birthday I might add), which brought with it the enforcement of Apple’s AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework and the end of the identifier for advertisers (IDFA) as we know it. 

Nonetheless, iOS 15 brings some important changes that marketers need to be watching for. While certain changes are live as of iOS 15’s release, others will be released in subsequent versions. Here are the key features we will touch on with a note on their expected status on iOS 15’s release:

  • iCloud+ Private Relay (STATUS: Disabled by default and still in public beta)
  • Mail Privacy Protection (STATUS: Available for users to configure)
  • App Privacy Report (STATUS: Not yet available. Will launch with future update)
  • Hide My Email (STATUS: Available for users to configure)
  • Copy of Winning Postback for SKAdNetwork (STATUS: Available)
  • Uninstall Tracking Changes (STATUS: Active)

Certain points discussed in this post may change as adoption of features gain momentum and/or currently unavailable features are released. Expect further updates as additional information becomes available and Kochava adapts its solutions for marketers.

iCloud+ Private Relay

Private Relay is a feature for paying iCloud+ subscribers. It acts as an additional user privacy mechanism by redirecting certain types of network traffic from a user’s iOS device through Apple servers in order to hide a user’s actual IP address, and instead mask it with a fake intermediary IP address that is based on a user’s approximate location. Dive into deeper detail on how Private Relay works in this Macworld post

As of the launch of iOS 15, Private Relay is expected to still be in public beta and will be disabled by default. Slow adoption and rollout may give advertisers time to better understand its impact and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Impact to Probabilistic Attribution

In a prior post, we discussed how probabilistic forms of attribution using IP address and device user agent are prohibited for paid media when a user has not consented to app tracking through the ATT framework. However, for web-to-app journeys where users consented in the target app, and owned media campaigns, probabilistic attribution continued to be permissible. See the table below for specific scenarios.

Apple Releases iOS 15

Wherein a user is subscribed to iCloud+ and has activated Private Relay, probabilistic attribution (when permissible) to in-app conversions driven through web-to-app scenarios will become less accurate and/or unavailable. Read our related post on how Private Relay will impact attribution. 

Impact to precision-geo insights on first-party audience

Given that Private Relay currently does not apply to secure in-app traffic, it’s likely that mobile marketers will still be able to obtain precise IP addresses and location insights on users engaging inside their app. Understanding the geographic distribution of your audience is vital for marketers.

Our team will continue to monitor the iOS 15 roll-out and impact of Private Relay in order to advise marketers on the best adaptation strategy. 

Mail Privacy Protection

After downloading and updating to iOS 15, Apple Mail users will see a prompt the next time they open the Mail app. They will have new options to configure how their data is shared. 

Decisions available to the Mail app user include: 

  • Hide IP address and location
  • Anonymize email open tracking

Depending on the options a user chooses, a marketer’s visibility to open rates on their email campaigns will be impacted. Further, the IP address will be blocked on third-party trackers utilized within email campaigns. In mobile marketing specifically, these new options will certainly impact visibility into owned media efforts utilizing email as a channel to drive app adoption amongst their users. 

Marketers should reach out to their email service providers (ESP) to better understand the impact to their email marketing campaigns. If you’re a Kochava client using SmartLinksTM or Private Network trackers within your email campaigns, monitor conversion rates as iOS 15 rolls out and connect with your Client Success Manager if you notice changes. 

App Privacy Report

The App Privacy Report is not yet available and is expected later this fall with a subsequent Apple update. Once released, iOS users can enable this tool which can record up to 7 days of network activity from apps installed on their device. It also allows users to see a list of the most commonly contacted third-party domains used by installed apps. 

While developers and marketers understand the need to send requests to mobile measurement partners (MMPs), analytics tools, internal business intelligence systems, payment processors, content management platforms, etc., consumers are largely unfamiliar with this necessity. 

Marketers are encouraged to create a communication plan to respond to inquiries from customers who request more information based on findings in the App Privacy Report.

App Privacy Report

Hide My Email

Hide My Email, also part of the iCloud+ subscription offering, enables iOS users to hide/mask their real email address with a randomly generated unique email address when filling out an online form on the web or even signing up for a newsletter. Any email sent to the fake email address is forwarded to the user’s real email. Users can delete these emails at any time to sever the connection with any service or provider they used the email with.

Hide My Email

Hide My Email introduces a new hurdle for identity solutions that sought to solve for challenges in user targeting and measurement via hashed email, where independent parties could connect the dots across their first-party data footprints via a common identifier. While hashed email may still offer an alternative identity for specific publishers if Hide my Email is widely adopted by users, universal hashed emails across publisher properties will not likely offer a stable cross-platform user identifier. The emergence of open-source identity solutions that offer universal IDs for advertisers, publishers, and consumers is becoming more prevalent. UID 2.0 developed by The Trade Desk is one example.   

Copy of Winning SKAdNetwork Postbacks

Many concerns had surfaced about SKAdNetwork postback data residing solely in the control of ad networks that have a vested interest in the outcomes reported in the data. If a partner chose to manipulate the SKAdNetwork data in any way before syndicating it to the advertiser and/or their ad tech vendors, there was no transparent solution to monitor or prevent such abuses. iOS 15’s arrival introduces the ability for the advertiser to opt-in to receive copies of winning install-validation postbacks for their app. 

Within their app’s Info.plist file, developers will be able to designate the server endpoint where they want postback copies to be sent. Whether advertisers choose to establish their own infrastructure to ingest and house this data or use Kochava designated endpoints, Kochava is in the process of adding support for the collection of SKAdNetwork postback copies. Stay tuned for further updates from our team.

Uninstall Tracking Changes

Within release notes during the beta phase of iOS 15, Apple made an update that largely deprecates the use of silent/background push notifications as a methodology to inform app uninstall tracking.  


Resolved in iOS & iPad 15 beta 4

  • Record App Activity no longer defaults to off after a software update or restore from back up. (77466774)
  • Background pushes are only delivered if the app has been used in the foreground in the past few weeks. (79379996)

Source: iOS & iPadOS 15 Release Notes

Most uninstall tracking offered by the industry works by sending a “silent” push notification to devices that have previously opted-in to push notifications for an app. The response by Apple’s Push Notification Service (APNS) would inform if the app was no longer installed on the device. By tracking uninstalls, marketers get valuable insights on user attrition. Marketers can also use uninstall data to retarget lost users for reacquisition or suppress them in future acquisition targeting. With Apple’s changes, these silent push notifications can no longer be used to accurately infer an uninstall. 

If you use uninstall tracking with Kochava, monitor the reporting trends upon the release of iOS 15, and reach out to your Client Success Manager or email with any questions. 

We’re here to help

Apple continues to introduce transformative changes that impact the digital advertising ecosystem. We’re here to help marketers navigate those changes while continuing to drive meaningful growth. 

For questions on iOS 15 or to talk with an expert on our team, contact us

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R.I.P. Uninstall Tracking on iOS 15 Tue, 10 Aug 2021 21:58:38 +0000 The post R.I.P. Uninstall Tracking on iOS 15 appeared first on Kochava.


Incorporate Predictive Churn Modeling from Kochava

Apple has introduced iOS 15 updates that will make uninstall tracking nearly impossible for iOS apps. With the recent push for privacy, it is no surprise that Apple is cracking down on this common tactic to detect uninstalled apps.

What is uninstall tracking and how does it work?

Uninstall tracking works by sending a “silent” push notification to a device. If the push notification fails at any point, it is assumed the app was uninstalled. By tracking uninstalls, marketers get valuable insights on user attrition. Marketers can also use this data to retarget lost users for reacquisition or suppress them in future acquisition targeting. 

Employing Apple’s push notification system and using it for other purposes outside what is stated in their policy has been leniently enforced. However, with iOS 15, uninstall tracking will no longer be viable as part of an effort to ensure more security and privacy for app users.

Predictive churn modeling

While uninstall tracking will be unavailable come iOS 15, Kochava predictive churn modeling has been a tried and true method for forecasting user behavior. Whether you have utilized uninstall tracking in the past or need a way to decrease user drop-off, predictive churn modeling is available to increase your user’s lifetime value.

How it works

After a new app install, our machine learning algorithms go to work using a form of decision tree modeling to analyze recency, frequency, trend metrics, and other data variables during the first 7 days of a user’s interactions with the app. 

On day 8, the user is assigned a churn score. “Churn” in this case means how likely is the device to not have activity in the app between day 8 and day 38 after install. 


A user with a “Low” score indicates that it’s likely they will have further engagement with the app between day 8 and day 38. A user with a “High” score indicates that it’s likely they will churn/uninstall between day 8 and day 38.


Predictive churn modeling is a future-proof method of proactively identifying the likelihood a user will churn with 90% accuracy. With this tool, marketers can:

  1. Grow user engagement: View each individual churn score and target at-risk users with relevant push, SMS, or in-app messaging through owned media channels to increase users lifetime value (LTV).
  2. Segment audiences: Segment audiences based on their churn score and activate those audiences with effective reengagement campaigns to improve user retention.
  3. Create lookalike models: Users with low churn scores can be used as seed audiences to build lookalike models to attract quality users with similar characteristics that promote loyalty and retention.
  4. Assess partner quality: Break down your audiences by partner based on churn score and prioritize partners who deliver audiences with low churn likelihood to increase your return on investment (ROI).

Wouldn’t you want to know if a user will churn before they actually do? Uninstall tracking only tells you after the fact. Stay a step (or more) ahead with Kochava predictive churn modeling. Evaluate your user’s behavior to gain valuable insights into their future actions and produce marketing content to keep them engaged.

For more information visit our website. Have questions or want to learn more? Contact us or email at

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Apple Moves To Block IP Addresses With Private Relay Thu, 29 Jul 2021 22:12:21 +0000 The post Apple Moves To Block IP Addresses With Private Relay appeared first on Kochava.


iCloud+ Private Relay adds a new layer of user privacy to internet searches

Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference this year (WWDC21) did not send industry shock waves as it did last year when it announced its game-changing AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) requiring user consent and re-introduced SKAdNetwork for privacy-first attribution. With the announcement of iCloud+ Private Relay this year, however, it is setting a precedent for its ongoing mission to protect user privacy on iOS devices. The gist: iCloud+ Private Relay will further limit tracking of iOS user activity across the internet. 

What exactly is Private Relay?

Private Relay is Apple’s way of preventing entities from tracking iOS users across the internet and forming a user identity profile. It will redirect all network traffic through servers to hide a user’s IP address on Safari and is available to iCloud+ subscribers. (iCloud+ has added security features to their cloud services and is available to existing customers.) 

It’s worth noting that outside of the subscription, Apple will prevent pixel tracking within the Apple Mail app for all iOS users. It will also obscure an iOS user’s IP address on Safari to prevent entities (ie, third-party trackers) from using it as an identifier as users migrate from email to online content as well as protect their location. 

While at first glance Private Relay may sound like a virtual private network (VPN), it isn’t. Whereas a VPN hides a user’s location, Private Relay blocks websites from tracking users. Apple is also touting this as not only a benefit to its users but also to iOS apps and is a default feature intended to add a layer of protection to help prevent data leakage.

How does Private Relay work?

Currently, a user’s browsing on the internet is open, not considered secure or private, and is leaving a trail of data that Apple says users have not consented to for use by any entity. This openness enables entities to use fingerprinting tactics to identify users across websites even with Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention in Safari. Information open to entities at present includes the IP address. 

Without iCloud+ Private Relay

With iCloud+ Private Relay, not even Apple will hold all the information of a user’s whereabouts. This privacy-by-design system will use two proxies (a proxy is a way to hide what’s being searched for). Each proxy will route traffic and secure it as the user searches without interruption and is managed by two entities: Apple and a content provider. The IP address will be visible to only the network provider and first proxy. The second proxy only sees the site name a user is searching for and uses it to build a connection to the server. No two entities can see both the IP and search name. 

Apple iCloud+ Private Relay

Intelligent Tracking Prevention, which already prevents tracking, will now also hide a user’s IP address as an additional way to prevent it from being used as a partially unique identifier.

How will Private Relay impact attribution?

In its User Privacy and Data Use policy, Apple has stated that it considers fingerprinting tactics a form of tracking. Since the release of ATT in late April, there has not been the anticipated enforcement of it, however, and it is likely still occurring as marketers would lose measurement visibility on a significant portion of their audiences without it. Likely to go into effect later this year, Private Relay (as well as other IP address blocking initiatives) is now expected to become the awaited enforcement arm to prevent fingerprinting altogether.

For more information about iCloud+ Private Relay, or to talk with an expert on our team, contact us

The post Apple Moves To Block IP Addresses With Private Relay appeared first on Kochava.
